Siendo este mi primer Post quisiera darles la bienvenida, la idea es compartir con uds. experiencias sobre virtualizacion y cloud en general, espero sea de ayuda o de distracción, todo sirve.
Bueno les presento Sparkleshare, es un software de sincronización de datos algo así como Dropbox, la diferencia entre ambos es que uno es el dueño del mercado y el otro está en pañales, así es en pañales, pero no por eso menos interesante, al contrario, su principal punto a favor es que es una herramienta de colaboración y participación, tal cual como es definido por ellos (los desarrolladores), posee una versión para realizar un servidor privado (puedes aplicarlo en tu lan o publicarlo en la web, ya realice la prueba).
La Idea de este software es mantener sincronizado tus directorios y también, si lo quieres, compartir carpetas entre usuarios.
Su contra, aun, es no tener clientes para equipos Windows aunque en su twitter!/sparkleshare han dado a conocer que están trabajando en esto, pero en realidad en Linux y Mac corre Increíble y tienen planes para genera clientes para Android, yo he hecho la prueba con cliente Ubuntu y corre perfecto. Les dejo un video en el cual Demuestran lo que les Hablo.
Para quienes ya les “picaron las manos” y quieren instalarlo, bueno les dejo como (fuente:
Alex Hudson is maintaining a repository with up to date packages for Fedora 13, 14, and 15. Here’s how you install it:
$ sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/sparkleshare.repo
$ sudo yum install sparkleshare
Compiling and installing from source is pretty straigtforward. The README has a list of dependencies and instructions on how to install them with one command on the most popular distros. After that it’s a matter of:
$ ./configure –prefix=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make
$ sudo make install
El cliente para Mac está libre de descarga. Les dejo el link
Para realizar tu propio servidor la configuración es muy simple. Se las dejo:
Under Debian/Ubuntu Linux
On the server
Let's assume you're logged in here as USERNAME and the address for this server is SERVER
$ sudo apt-get install git-core openssh-server
$ git init --bare REPONAME.git
On the client(s)
Consider checking if you have git (git-core) installed. Do these steps for each client machine you'd like to link to your server
1. Compile and install SparkleShare as described in the README
2. Install the SSH client:
3. $ sudo apt-get install openssh-client
4. Generate an RSA key pair used to authenticate with the server (instead of using a password):
5. $ ssh-keygen
(accept defaults and leave password blank here)
6. Send your RSA key to your server*:
7. $ ssh-copy-id USERNAME@SERVER
8. Now you can
9. $ sparkleshare start
and a Dialog box should appear.
10. Enter your name and e-mail, click next.
11. Tick "On my own server:" and enter USERNAME@SERVER in the box there.
12. In the "Folder Name" field, enter the full server side path to the git repo you created on your server (maybe something like /home/USERNAME/REPONAME.git)
13. click Sync
Note: this method ignores the RSA key generated by SparkleShare.
If the ssh server is not listening on port 22 add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config
Port 1234
Under Solaris 11 Express
On the server
Let's assume you're logged in here as USERNAME and the address for this server is SERVER
$ sudo pkg install service/network/ssh
The Solaris 11 git package is very old and doesn't appear to work with sparkleshare so we have to compile from source. Go to download the latest stable source code, as of 04/20/2011 this is
$ wget
$ tar xvjf git*
$ cd git*
For some reason Solaris doesn't have install in the place the git makefile points to so edit the make file to replace /usr/usb/install with /usr/sbin/install (make sure this is where install is on your system).
$ nano Makefile #perform edits
$ make prefix=/usr all doc info
$ sudo make prefix=/usr install install-doc install-html install-info
now make the repository
$ git init --bare REPONAME.git
Under Mac OS X
On the server
Let's assume you're logged in here as USERNAME and the address for this server is SERVER, download and install the latest version of git from
$ git init --bare REPONAME.git
On the client(s)
Do these steps for each client machine you'd like to link to your server
1. Download and install the latest version of git from Make sure to make a link to the git binary (follow the readme).
2. Compile and install SparkleShare as described in the README
3. Generate an RSA key pair used to authenticate with the server (instead of using a password):
4. $ ssh-keygen
(accept defaults and leave password blank here)
5. Send your RSA key to your server*:
6. $ scp .ssh/
if you get a connection refused error, make sure SSH is enabled on the server (System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login)
and then on the server to add the new key to the list of authorized keys
$ cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
1. Now you can
$ sparkleshare start
and a Dialog box should appear. 1. Enter your name and e-mail, click next. 1. Tick "On my own server:" and enter USERNAME@SERVER in the box there. 1. In the "Folder Name" field, enter the full server side path to the git repo you created on your server (maybe something like /home/USERNAME/REPONAME.git) 1. click Sync
Note: this method ignores the RSA key generated by SparkleShare.
Vamos, pruébenlo, es la mejor forma de apoyar (bueno en realidad no, lo mejor sería aportando dinero para el desarrollo,
Pregúntenme lo que quieran, si lo se les responderé si no bueno, buscare el dato, Saludos a todos!
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